Friday, December 27, 2019
Why You Should Work at a Startup - The Muse
Why You Should Work at a Startup - The MuseWhy You Should Work at a Startup One of the reasons I left my corporate job to be the first employee of a startup a few years ago welches that I knew it would accelerate my career. I knew that Id be asked to wear multiple hats (editor, marketer, recruiter, public speaker, event planner, and Chief Takeout Orderer, to name a few). I knew that Id be able to shape who we hired and how ur culture was defined as we grew. I knew that Id get constant access to the CEO because, well, she was typically seated next to me on the couch at our headquarters (read apartment). And if you Google why you should work at a startup, youll hear similar benefits Being part of a small, quickly growing company allows you be exposed to multiple parts of a business and get constant access to leadership.But thats not the whole story. In fact, looking back, being part of a startup has accelerated my career beyond my wildest expectations and in ways I never could have ima gined. And I hear the same from friends and contacts who have taken similar paths.I sat down recently with a few of the founders, alumni, and partner companies at Startup Institute to reflect on just how much a startup can boost your career. If youve ever contemplated joining an early-stage business, heres what you can expect to gain.1. An Impressive Job TitleIn the corporate world, the schedule for promotions generally follows a set path before advancing to the next role, you typically need a year or two of experience in your current one. In an extreme case, a friend of mine who was the top performer in her department was once told that she couldnt be promoted to the next level because that job just isnt given to 27-year-olds. Fair (or legal) or not, it happens.Not so much at startups, though. Especially in the early stages, the related experience you have matters much less than what youve proven you can do once hired. Often, people who join a startup at the early stages and are pa rt of its growth receive responsibilities, promotions, and job titles that they never could have dreamed of at a bigger company. For a great example, read this interview with Austin Geidt, who started out at Uber as an intern then quickly rose through the ranks to become a community manager and driver operations manager. Shes now the companys head of expansion. (For, you know, the world.)Jules Pieri, CEO of The Grommet, shares a similar story about employees at her company. Several people started doing temporary roles such as shipping or seasonal customer support, she says. They threw themselves at being excellent and word quickly traveled. Then they were also in the right place at the right time- those kind of expansion moves happen most fluidly in a growing company. We grew revenues 900% in the last two years, so most of the team has had a dramatic increase in responsibilities. 2. More Resume Bullets Than You Ever Thought PossibleAt a startup, you can pretty much guarantee that yo ull be making huge contributions to the business. At an early-stage startup, time is valuable, and every team member is critical, explains Alison Johnston Rue, the founder of InstaEDU, which was acquired by Chegg in 2014. This means that youll be working on projects that directly impact users, and probably immediately. In other words, youre going to be doing and achieving mora than you ever have before. (And working more, but thats another story.) In almost any role, youll be launching features, gaining users, or otherwise seeing results- and, no matter what type of job you do next, these are incredible things to be able to tell future employers that youve done. Particularly if youre making a career change. As Startup Institute co-founder Aaron OHearn puts it, Startup employees rarely work within the confines of one job description- you have to be willing to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty in a lot of different facets of the business. If youre a sales professional who wants to transition into, say, marketing- you can bet that finding new ways to gain users, discussing the brand strategy, or even writing copy will be part of your job description. In my current role as a community manager, Ive had the opportunity to also help our company with marketing, account management, product development, and customer support, says Erika Gordon, a former Startup Institute student who now works at Mobee.Is there a faster way to get that experience on your resume? Probably not.3. An Entirely Different Way of Thinking (and Thats a Good Thing)In most jobs, a lot of what you do is following procedures for whats been done before. fruchtwein companies have a standard way of doing things for everything from manufacturing to marketing to putting together meeting agendas. And while new ideas are often welcome, they typically fall into a framework of how the company has operated in the past. (Great idea Lets put it on the Q2 product roadmap.)At a startup? Youre building everything from scratch. And as you might imagine, designing, building, and creating requires a completely different skill set than following or adapting a standard protocol. And thats a good thing. In fact, recent research by the Institute for the Future detailed six factors driving the evolution of our workforce and- more importantly- the 10 skills every professional needs to succeed in the future. Its worth a look in full, but novel and adaptive thinking (the ability to think beyond whats been done before) and transdisciplinary thinking (the ability to think beyond your functional role) are two of the key traits workers will need to succeed in the future. Consider a startup- where youll be constantly innovating and interacting with other departments- your free education. As an added benefit, youll be learning from entrepreneurs, who by nature tend to think this way. People who start their own business have a different mental and professional makeup than those who have never gone off to create something of their own, writes Kerrin Sheldon in Fast Company. Entrepreneurs are defined by seeing a problem and thinking of an innovative and original way of addressing it They approach problems differently, are constantly finding solutions, and are driven to make the most out of their time and work. 4. A Mini MBAWorking at a large company, strategic decisions about business operations, hiring, culture, financing, budgeting, and so on are typically made in the C-suite or a board room, behind closed doors. In the earliest days of a startup, theyre typically made at the other end of the table or couch. In other words, most early employees are part of all of those conversation about business operations, hiring, culture, financing, budgeting, and so on. Working at a startup, you arent just a cog in the machine, explains Startup Institute VP of marketing Bryan Maleszyk. You have agency in building a company from the ground up. Business models and organization, company cult ure, and values- you can have a say in all of this. And even if you dont have a say, youll certainly have a front-row seat. As they grow, most small to mid-sized startups Ive known or worked with involve their team members in strategic decisions, or at the very least hold regular all-hands meetings where employees can ask questions and learn about whats going on within the company. And seeing the hausintern workings of a company with your own eyes on a daily or weekly basis? Theres pretty much no better way to understand the ins and outs of business.No, startup life isnt for everyone. (Heres a helpful article if youre contemplating whether its right for you.) But in many ways, theres nowhere else you can take on such incredible responsibility, have such immense growth potential, or move your career forward by such leaps and bounds. Photo of dashboard courtesy of Shutterstock.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Innovating Supercapacitor Design
Innovating Supercapacitor Design Innovating Supercapacitor Design Innovating Supercapacitor DesignMircea Dinca, associate professor of chemistry at MIT, has worked on his share of interesting projects, but he didnt expect to find himself delving into area of energy storage devices. He finds himself with a new appreciation for them now, however, after leading a team that created a supercapacitor without graphitic carbon. The development could lead to energy storage devices storing and delivering more energy.Were synthetic chemists and we make new materies and get a kick out of thinking outside the box, says Dinca. Sort of imagine what are the important metrics for any important project and were thinking about whether we can involve any material that is outside the norm. Here, supercapacitors require highly conductive material with high surface area so that you have large capacitants that scale with surface area. You need to combine electrical conductivity with surface area and, workin g with very high surface area materials, our interest welches to also make them electrically combusted. Our work took years but the results have been very positive so far.Prof. Mircea Dinca, MIT. Image Justin KnightMetal-Organic FrameworksWorking without graphitic carbon, a carbon normally found in supercapacitors, Dinca actually saw multiple advantages, and termed his new class of materials metal-organic frameworks, or MOFs. Our metal organic frameworks clearly have organic components but they are well defined molecules, he says. Its organic, its made partly of carbon but they are well defined components. And in terms of any property you can think of, they are very different from graphitic carbons. They are better thought of as a different class of materials than what had been used previously.The material can be made in temperatures much lower than those needed for graphitic carbon, he says. For what were doing, you should be able to produce it at room temperatures as a solid and i t also doesnt need chemicals we dont want to use like sodium hydroxide, he says.Their capacitor has a much lower internal resistance, he says. We have shown it can work at, say, one and a half volts but we would like to improve it, and theres no reason to think it couldnt get to four and a half volts. If we can reach it, then it will look very attractive to a lot of commercial companies.There were a few surprises along the way but one stood out. We didnt optimize it at all and, despite that, we are still beating commercial devices in a number of metrics, he says. But we want to push it forward with optimization. It will further improve in metrics.It was tested at 10,000 cycles for the first demo of the new material. We saw very good reproducibility, he says, and very good capacitance retention, meaning less than 10% lost in capacity.In addition, a decent number of adjustments were made from the first iteration to the current one and they had to do with learning how to make the devic es, along with choosing proper current collectors. But its been an enjoyable ride that just might lead to more forays into device work.Im a curious person by nature and you get a sense of the fun engineers are having, he says. This is what its all about stepping outside your comfort zone to see if you can add new abilities to the mix.Eric Butterman is an independent writer.We didnt optimize it at all and, despite that, we are still beating commercial devices in a number of metrics.Prof. Mircea Dinca, MIT
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Youre Allowed to Quit Your Job for Selfish Reasons - The Muse
Youre Allowed to Quit Your Job for Selfish Reasons - The MuseYoure Allowed to Quit Your Job for Selfish Reasons In a perfect world, you could just walk away carefree from a crummy job. Well, technically, there would be no crummy jobs in a perfect world- but just go with me here. The real world, however, is never so simple. If your family depends on your income or the insurance coverage your job provides, kicking open the exit and rushing through in a blaze of righteous glory probably isnt realistic for you. Or, maybe its not so much that others depend on you, but youve overheard your mom humble bragging about you or youve seen your significant other beam with pride when talking about the work you do. Or, maybe youve just busted your tail to climb the proverbial ladder, and youre struggling with what it would mean if you forgo everything youve clamored for. As the person who carries my familys insurance, I completely understand the I cant just quit, mindset. But no matter what dynamic s are at play, its still your life, your career, and your peace of mind on the line. If you want out of your current role and the only thing holding you back is guilt, you have permission to be at least a little selfish. That may bring to mind a dramatic scene, but putting yourself first doesnt have to be this dramatic all-or-nothing situation. In fact, taking good care of yourself really isnt selfish at all. When youre at your best, youre more productive at work and a better family member and friend in your personal life. If youre still not convinced you can do it, keep reading for a few tips thatll make it a little easier to swallow 1. Avoid AssumptionsWhether youre assuming you cant tell a loved one that youre miserable for fear of disappointing them or assuming youre stuck forever in a job you hate, youre playing a dead-end game. Instead, ask yourself, Do I really know this? If so, how do I know? You may be surprised when you force yourself to qualify your assumptions. It looks like this You tell yourself youre stuck in your job because you need your paycheck to pay rent. But when you sit down and take a hard look at your budget, you realize that between your savings and picking shifts up at the coffee shop on the weekends, you could actually take three months off to find a new job.Another approach that can help you shake harmful assumptions is to ask yourself, What would change if this isnt true? This allows you to at least entertain alternate scenarios. What would you do differently today if you didnt need that paycheck for rent? Would you go back to school? Get a job in a different field? When you mull over what you could do if your assumptions are untrue, you get one step closer to going after what you really want.2. Clue Your Loved Ones InIf someone in your lifes deeply invested in your career, you may feel tempted to stay mum. You dont want to cause your loved ones any embarrassment or disappointment. You certainly dont want to upend their lives. Tim e for a reality check Think of the person you love most. How would you feel if they were suffering and didnt feel like they could tell you? Right. Give your people some credit. Just like Its your job as a friend to support your loved ones when they need you, its their job to do the same for you. Let them do their job. Maybe they can only provide sympathy and moral support thats more than you had when you were pretending all was well and suffering in silence. They may also surprise you with an idea or insight you hadnt considered, or even a professional contact. 3. Move Beyond All or NothingWhen it comes to a crappy job, its easy to get stuck in the belief that you must either endure your current torment or quit and ruin your life (and the lives of your loved ones). Its rare, though, that we truly only have two options life is simply too complex. Changing your language and thought processes around such scenarios can certainly help. Try dropping qualifiers like have to, always, never, and substituting with and. I have to stay in this mess of a job or Im screwed because I lose my benefits becomes, Im in a mess of a job and I need to keep my benefits. Its a subtle shift, but now youve moved away from I have to do this or this to recognizing what you need. From there, you can begin thinking about how you might be able to make a change while keeping the benefits you need. That might mean you consider other options outside of your department, but still within your company that you hadnt previously thought about. Or it might mean you educate yourself about negotiating, particularly in regards to benefits, so you can consider a position with a new company without losing the coverage you need. Its not my intent to minimize or over-simplify a work situation that may be truly terrible or the reasons why you feel you cant just up and quit. Rather, I hope this offers some hope that even in a complicated situation, you do have the right to care about your own needs, and that if you can make some shifts in the way you think about and approach the situation, you may find workable solutions. Because when youre happy, thats good for everyone.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Working Across the Pond Tips to Excel in Your Job in England
Working Across the Pond Tips to Excel in Your Job in EnglandWorking Across the Pond Tips to Excel in Your Job in EnglandWhether youre seeking new experiences and cultures, want to add some unique skills to your portfolio or are looking for work in a fun, new environment, working abroad can be a valuable experience.A good choice for Americans who want to work abroad in a professional capacity is to choose an English-speaking country. But even when a countrys native language is English there are still cultural differences to navigate. Today well examine tips for making the most of your work life in England.Learn the CultureDave, an American who heads up the eBusiness unit of Citibank in England, suggests that Americans seeking jobs in England learn to be extremely self-aware and humble. First observe British culture rather than trying to make a name straight away, he said.Alex ODonnell, a British citizen who now works as an engineer for GoPro in California, said, Accents change every 3 0 to 40 miles in the U.K. We sometimes have to translate between each other. An American coming to work in England will arrive thinking that he knows how to speak English, but the accents will be so thick hell have trouble understanding them.ODonnell says that British people are used to being asked to repeat themselves and will generally slow their speech down if they think theyre listener is having trouble understanding them.I think the worst cultural mistake an American can make is simply to be arrogant or myopic, Dave said. Ive heard industry speakers come to the U.K. from America and present only on U.S. brands and cities. To engage with Brits or other Europeans, Americans should demonstrate a broader, global awareness outside the U.S.Socialize AppropriatelyClaire Richardson is a native British citizen who worked at Citibank as a digital marketing manager. She advises Americans, Understand the British sense of humor. People will banter with you in the office about where you are from, but it is just lighthearted fun.Dave encourages Americans working in England to embrace the culture. Americans should get out and travel, he said. Dont just stay in London.Brits work hard, but they also socialize outside of work, especially if you work in London.When transitioning to his job in the U.S., ODonnell said that he had to adjust his vocabulary. It might all be English, but its very different. Brits have different levels of politeness. We say please and thank you more even if we dont mean it.ODonnell said that requests are a lot more subtle among the British. We hint at what we want doing and youre meant to pick up on the hint and do it, he said. In California you have to ask for something to be done or tell people to do it.ODonnell offered this example of the less direct approach regarding requests. In England someone might say, Oh, Id love a cup of tea, and someone would go get her some tea. In the U.S. you would have to say, Could you please make me a cup of tea? Learn to RelaxDave notes that socializing plays a bigger role in British work environments than in many American workplaces. He said, A mistake Americans make is in not valuing the importance of participating in after-work team drinks with colleagues. Part of embracing the British work culture may mean going to the pub at lunchtime and having an alcoholic drink or two.According to ODonnell, Americans are workaholics compared to Brits. It depends on where you are, but youre perceived as a grabber if you skip breaks or stay late. If youre an hourly employee, people assume trying to get extra overtime. If youre on salary, youre just seen as an overachiever.Watch Your VolumeRichardson said that Brits are not as loud as most Americans and often are perceived as more reserved. Richardson said, Some meetings will be very quiet, with people listening as opposed to asking lots of questions.Americans arevery chatty and will open up a conversation with anyone. British people wont do this and w ill wait to be spoken to most of the time if you dont know them.Dave added, A loud, bold American presence may be valued in the States, but does not generally go over well in the U.K. I remember my first day at my first U.K. job I was asked to attend a 10-person meeting in a conference room. I honestly couldnt hear a word anyone was sayingit was like the Twilight Zone.Defy StereotypesBritish people have strong views of Americans, but theyre mostly based on what Hollywood has presented. Unless you happen to work with Americans, you only encounter the tourists, said ODonnell.Dave said, Brits are much, much more reserved and tactful than Americans. Americans who come to the U.K. and do not adapt to the British style are perceived as crass, loud, stereotypical Americans. There is also a certain animated speaking style in the U.S. that Brits abhor. This is the exaggerated, overly cheery style you might hear used on dial-in conference call recordings or on late-night U.S. infomercials.Dav e added, Ive met two kinds of Americans over the years those that fully embrace U.K. culture, enjoy assimilating and become trans-Atlantic and others who hold tightly to their American-ness, not assimilating into British culture. The first group stays years and years. The second return home after a few.Learn about getting a job in other English-speaking countriesAustralia
Sunday, December 8, 2019
A Fools Manual to Resume Address
A Fools Manual to Resume Address Resume Address Ideas The good thing is there are options for how to open a titel letter and its not complicated. Do it right, however, and youll grease the rails to allow you to slide in the interview. You cover letter needs to be concise. Below, youll find some helpful tips regarding how to tackle a cover letter. In many instances, a work ad will say exactly who to send your resume to. If you just are not able to find the name of the individual responsible for hiring and cannot contact the enterprise to inquire about this information, think about addressing your cover letter with Human Resources Dept. or Hiring Manager. You dont wish to mix your present job emails with your work search emails. Instead, include your private mobile phone number. Just do not forget that these rules arent set in stone. Resume guidelines might vary from industry to industry, therefore its recommended to get familiar with specific industry examples. Learn mo re regarding the federal hiring procedure. Keep your resume to a single page. Including a portfolio works especially well for projects that appear great online. Also, you can want to incorporate a hyperlink to your private blog or website so they can get to learn more about you. You are able to definitely include links to articles or papers that were published, or other similar distinctions. Resume Address and Resume Address - The Perfect Combination You always need to use the method by which the employer asks. Federal jobs often need you to have experience in a particular kind of work for some period of time. The exception could possibly be a high-level or niche position thats tough to fill, in which case hiring managers are somewhat more open to scouring different markets to discover qualified talent. Put yourself in the job of an expected employer reviewing information of a work candidate. If you found the opening on work board, check to find out whether the job is list ed on the businesss website. It might stop you from getting contacted for the job. It may stop you from getting contacted for a work interview. Read the whole job announcement. For instance, offering a decrease salary because the expense of living wherever your address is situated is low. On street addressesmake sure you also understand how to write them for different nations, if needed. Some actually weed out good candidates only because they believe the commute may be too long. This ought to satisfy most recruiters seeing as they can commence estimating your commute, proximity, knowledge of the region, etc from this description. Another reason that you want to depart from your street address off your resume is simple its simply not needed. If you work in a creative field, look at developing a personal site which has a mobile-responsive design so that you can share your portfolio from any gadget. If concerned about providing your address, the very first alternative to thi nk about is to present an overall location instead of your complete address. The main point is that you control your contact info, and you have to use that asset to your benefit. Additionally, there are many reasons why you may want to omit your address on your resume. Because your contact details are generally listed on top of your resume, your email address is among the very first things a possible employer will see. To head your resume, put the most suitable contact info in the proper order. Based on how much space you need to work with, you can place the remainder of your contact details in a couple of lines, located just below your name. Use the exact same name across all on-line profiles you desire the hiring manager to find. Bearing this in mind, theres a lot to think about before you choose whether or not to set your address in yourresume header. Many modern resumes incorporate an area for you to incorporate an expert title directly below your name. Heres a good exa mple of an expert header on a resume.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Fund your future payment options for further education
Fund yur future payment options for further education Fund your future payment options for further educationPosted October 13, 2011, by Josie ChunThey say studying is an investment in your future. As true as that may be, with the promise of greater earnings once youve gained extra qualifications, the most immediate question on many prospective students minds is How am I going to finance my studies? The immediate challenges of buying food and paying rent can sometimes outweigh more long-term goals. The good news is there are numerous opportunities for financial support available to those who want to undertake further study. Whether you choose to study on campus or by distance, the range of financial assistance programs available from the government, course providers or your employer means the only thing youll have to worry about is passing your exams.Employer-sponsored educationIf youre interested in upskilling or doing a short course, its certainly worth talking to your employer. Yo ur company may be happy to pay your fees if the course helps develop skills in your area.Some employers offer paid study leave, a study allowance or cadetship with a guaranteed job upon graduation. KPMG, for example, offers cadetships to students intending to study a commerce or business degree majoring in accounting or information systems. Cadets work full-time and study part-time for the first two years, with substantial study leave and time off to attend lectures. In the third and fourth years, the cadet attends university full-time and works during vacations, with vacation income supplemented by a weekly allowance. Upon graduation, cadets commence permanent full-time employment with KPMG. Many companies support ongoing study and/or postgraduate study by their employees. Auditing and financial services firm Deloitte provides up to $20 000 of support for its employees to undertake CA (Chartered Accountant) studies, and many other organisations have similar programs.Study now, pa y laterFor those of you who dont have thousands of dollars lying around to pay your tuition fees upfront, have no fear the Australian government offers interest-free student loans to eligible students which can be paid off once you abflug making a certain income. HECS-HELP is a loan available to eligible Australian students studying a higher education qualification at a Commonwealth-supported institution. This means the Australian Government pays all or part of your student contribution directly to the education provider on your behalf. FEE-HELP is a government-supported loan scheme for eligible fee-paying university students to help pay their tuition fees when they attend a non-Commonwealth-supported institution. Over 70 per cent of Australian students take advantage of FEE-HELP.It is available to both commencing and continuing students, and eligibility is independent of age or income. As of 2017 the limit of FEE-HELP loans for most students is $100,879 for most students (revie wed annually). VET FEE-HELP is a student loan scheme for the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector that is part of the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP). VET FEE-HELP assists eligible fee-paying students undertaking accredited VET courses (diploma, advanced diploma, graduate certificate and graduate diploma courses) when they study with an approved VET provider. Both part-time and full-time students are eligible, and the same lifetime limit applies as with FEE-HELP. Your HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP or VET FEE-HELP debt is recorded with the Australian Tax Office and you start making repayments once your income reaches the minimum threshold ($55,874 for 2017-18). To be eligible for HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP or VET FEE-HELP you must be an Australian citizen, permanent humanitarian visa holder or permanent residency visa holder.Government assistanceAustudy is a government study allowance that provides financial assistance to Australians who are 25 years or older and studying full-tim e at an approved institution, or undertaking a full-time Australian apprenticeship. Youth Allowance is a comparable allowance granted to full-time Australian students or apprentices between the ages of 16 and 24. Abstudy is a government study allowance specifically for Indigenous secondary or tertiary students or full-time Australian apprentices. Full-time courses approved for Austudy/Abstudy or Youth Allowance include secondary education courses, undergraduate courses, graduate courses and some masters, diplomas and TAFE courses. Depending on your situation, you might also be eligible for extra payments to help with the costs of studying a tertiary-level or bridging course. Incidentals Allowance is a non-means tested allowance that helps you pay for general course expenses.ScholarshipsThere are a number of government-sponsored scholarships available. Student Start-up Scholarships are given to all full-time students undertaking an approved course at a higher education institut ion who are receiving Youth Allowance, Austudy or an Abstudy Living Allowance. Youll receive this scholarship for each year of your course, which was valued at $2050 for 2013. Eligible university students receiving student income support who have to relocate to study will also receive a Relocation Scholarship of $4048 in their first year and $1012 in subsequent years to assist with the costs of relocating. The Commonwealth Scholarships Program (formally known as the Commonwealth Learning Scholarships Program) provides financial assistance to students of higher education from low socioeconomic backgrounds, particularly those from rural and regional areas and Indigenous students. To be eligible, you must be an Australian citizen or Australian permanent humanitarian visa holder. The Australian Postgraduate Awards (APA) are scholarships for students of exceptional research potential who undertake a higher degree by research. You must be an Australian or New Zealand citizen, or Aust ralian permanent resident, to apply. Many course providers also offer financial support or scholarships for certain programs, so its worth looking into what opportunities your particular educational institution offers.Pay by instalmentMost education providers offer you a choice in payment options, allowing you to either pay a lump sum upfront or in regular instalments. Paying in instalments can be more manageable for those who dont have the cash upfront, allowing you to spread the costs of study over a longer period. However, keep in mind that paying for the entire course at the outset can sometimes deliver you an attractive discount. Most Open Colleges courses, for instance, offer a 10 per cent discount on upfront payments for courses.Bank loanIf youre leid eligible for a Commonwealth-sponsored loan, you can always consider taking out a private loan. Unlike the government student loans, a private loan will attract interest which will have to be repaid on top of the loan amount i tself, but it could be worth it if it helps you get the education you need to launch a successful career. Many of our courses offer financial support including FEE-HELP, VET FEE-HELP, Austudy/Abstudy and Youth Allowance. Browse over 700 courses to get ahead in your career. ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searchesfuture career testcareer advisor onlineunsw early entrystudy in australia for international studentsyear 10 work experience ideas CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineJosie ChunRelated ArticlesBrowse moreMichael Jackson - A career to rememberIts no t often that a single person can transform an entire industry and alter history.Dream jobsWorkplace cultureDream employersIf you could work for any company, which one would it be, and why?The unsung heroes of new years eveTheres more to NYE than champagne and fireworks. As the clock strikes midnight, tomorrow night, spare a thought for the thousands of people working tirelessly behind the scenes to bring you one of the most spectacular events of the year.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
George Brayton
George Brayton George Brayton George BraytonIn Chrysler The Life and Times of an Automotive Genius by Vincent Curcio, American inventor George Brayton (1772-1837) is recognized as the most important of the early American inventors of vehicles utilizing internal combustion. The extent of his accomplishment may even be more wide reaching than whats on record. Inventor George Selden (1846-1922) developed a combustion engine that he admitted welches influenced by Braytons work and was the basis of a lawsuit that went on for years and that would have declared Selden as one of the most vital minds in the history of automobiles. Originally winning on the basis that his patent covered any engine using gasoline, he was beaten by Ford on the appeal.According to the book, Brayton turbines in their earlier uses were in a Providence, RI streetcar and an off-rail omnibus in Pittsburgh, PA. His engine was explained this way Air is compressed in the single-acting pump, which has a volume one-half t hat of the power cylinder. The compressed air passes from the constant-pressure receiver through pipeand over the absorbent materialthrough which the fuel is fed by a pump. Here it takes up vapor and the mixture passes the wire-gauge grating and into the cylinder, where it burns. Means are provided to prevent entirely shutting off the air from the power cylinder, and thus there is kept constantly burning a small flame which increases for the power stroke. Governing is effected by a variable cut-off to the power cylinder.Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering by J. Selwin Rajadurai explains how the components of the Brayton Cycle (invented in 1872)consisting of a compressor, turbine, heat exchanger, and combustioncreated open cycles and closed. Of the open, the author wrote Fresh air in an ambient condition is thrown into the compressor, and the air gets compressed isentropically. During this stage, work is done on the system. During this process, the pressure and temperature of the working substance increases, whereas the volume is reduced. The high pressure proceeds into the combustion chamber, where the fuel is burned at constant pressure. Due to constant pressure heating, the temperature and the volume of the working substance increases. The resulting high temperature gases then enter the turbine, where they expand to the atmospheric pressure isentropically, this producing the power.It goes on to say that because of the isentropic expansion, the temperature goes down while the volume rises. The exhaust gases leaving the turbine go into the atmosphere and, since theyre not recirculated, it is an open cycle.The closed cycle portion has the same compression and expansion processes but a constant heat pressure addition fills in for combustion and the exhaust is replaced by constant pressure heat rejection. Thermal efficiency of the cycle comes from regeneration but is only recommended when the turbine exhaust temperature is higher than the compressor exit tempe rature.In the end, the Brayton engine eventually was seen as inferior to the later developed Otto, which relied on a four-stroke piston system instead of going with a two-stroke. But few can deny Braytons impact on the progression to todays modern automobile.Eric Butterman is an independent writer.The components of the Brayton Cycle (invented in 1872)- consisting of a compressor, turbine, heat exchanger, and combustion- created open cycles and closed.J. Selwin Rajadurai, author of Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Loaned Office Space Pays Off for Banker
Loaned Office Space Pays Off for BankerLoaned Office Space Pays Off for BankerAfter being laid off, Detroit banker Jeff Ciochetto lands a job with MT Bank in Pennsylvania in just six months.When Jeff Ciochettos entire department welches laid off from their jobs at FlagStar Bank in metropolitan Detroit last October, he welchesnt going to let an economic downturn keep him down. So the former first vice president and senior commercial banking division manager kept going to work. Not at the bank, but at the office of a generous friend. My buddy is a CPA, and he gave me space in his office to use while I searched for a job, he said.For Ciochetto, 50, who could have just as easily trolled job-search Web sites at home in his bathrobe, it helped him to maintain his work schedule and his professional mindset as he worked his way through the ups and downs of unemployment. I got up in the morning, I got dressed, I went to the office, the FinanceLadder member said. I put on a tie, I met with peo ple. I kept that whole work mode going. Being unemployed can be very depressing. It welches better to have someplace to come to than be home alone.Looking for a job in an area that was very hard hit when the economy started its downward trend was a daunting task. But Ciochetto was up for it. I think I worked harder looking for a job than I did when I was working, he said.There were two things that Ciochetto came to terms with pretty quickly as he looked at classified ads and job-search Web sites, and networked throughout October, November and December. To begin with, he realized that he would likely have to relocate from the Detroit area, where he had worked for more than 20 years, in order to find a job with the responsibility he was looking for. Second, even if he did relocate, finding a job that matched the salary he had been making was going to be difficult. Its pretty tough in this industry everywhere, he said. I was finding that there was a huge salary depression. He opened up his search to areas of the country where there was a lot of banking activity, including Oregon, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Florida, Texas and Arizona. Still, he wasnt getting a lot of response to his resume.Ciochetto continued to speak to recruiters and friends throughout the end of 2008. But it was a tough few months. I think I was going for the Guinness Book of World Records for the number of jobs I applied for, he said. I interviewed with a lot of recruiters, but I got the feeling they were doing it more for the purposes of building up their inventory for when the market finally improved, than for specific jobs. That was frustrating.Neighborly adviceCiochetto received another benefit from going into his friends office some advice from the man in the office next door. In January, I told him I wasnt getting a lot of response to jobs I had applied for, he said. He asked me if I had heard of Ladders. I hadnt, so I went and checked it out, and I was amazed at the number of jobs, and how y ou could create your profile. It just created a whole new set of tools for me to use.And propelled his job search forward. The difference from the other sites was incredible, he said. Once I started sending resumes for jobs listed on Ladders, I received a lot of phone calls from recruiters that had specific jobs. I had several phone interviews. There was just a great deal more activity, and it was more serious. These people were actually looking to hire people.Expediting the searchOne of the first jobs Ciochetto applied to after looking at Ladders was for a vice president position at MT Bank. He had his first contact with them on January 15, and had his first interview, by phone, just five days later. After a few more phone interviews, he was brought to Pennsylvania, where the job was located, to meet people there, and then, a couple of weeks later, went to Buffalo, N.Y., where the banks headquarters are, for a final round of interviews. He was offered the job in mid-March and will move to Pennsylvania in mid-April, where he will become vice president and business-banking team lead for a territory in Pennsylvania that includes Lewisburg and Harrisburg.According to recruiters he has spoken to, its not unusual for people in the banking industry to take nine to 15 months to find a new job in this economy. So Ciochetto said he feels fortunate that, although he is taking a pay cut from his last job, and relocation expenses are up to him, he has found a job that will offer new challenges in a tough economic market.The benefits as well as the incentive part of the compensation was one of the best Ive seen, he said. Ill have eight loan officers in the field reporting to me. The challenge, when you are coming from the outside, is convincing the people you work with that you are the right rolle for the job. If theres not a challenge to it, then whats the point?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Job-Hunting Insights From Jon Stewarts Daily Show Resignation
Job-Hunting Insights From Jon Stewarts Daily Show ResignationJob-Hunting Insights From Jon Stewarts Daily Show ResignationPopular media is obsessed with the search for the new host of The Daily Show when Jon Stewart leaves it sometime later this year. Beyond speculating on whats next for Stewart and who will replace him, this major late-night transition can provide helpful insights for your own career advancement. Ask yourself some basic questions 1. Can you really afford to resign? Stewart has superstar status, a virtually limitless network within his industry, 19 Emmy Awards, and (presumably) enough money to never have to worry about another paycheck. Simply put He has the luxury of walking from his job at a time of his choosing. Rare is the person with this kind of freedom You may be tempted to resign because you have a strong disagreement with your boss, because you are bored, overworked, underappreciated or poorly paid or because you have some other pain point. Remember, howev er, that employers invariably ask why you left your last position and are inherently skeptical about hiring someone who resigned with no other job offer in hand. Regardless of how well you justify walking away, it can be interpreted as hot-headed, disloyal or overly risky. Even worse, they may erroneously assume you resigned one step ahead of being fired. Dont jump from the frying pan into the fire 2. Whose shoes do you want to fill? Conventional wisdom suggests that your chances for success at a new job are greater when you follow someone who has a poor or mediocre record. It will take comparatively little to look better than your predecessor. On the other hand, this predecessor may leave a situation in shambles, and it may prove difficult to perform an overall turnaround. Whoever follows Stewart will be widely compared to him and meakoranversd by his standards of success surely a daunting challenge. Nonetheless, he or she will inherit a well-oiled machine with a solid pool of wr iters. Given that, the right person may be able to take the show in an unexpected and refreshing new direction. One of the reasons you want to know the circumstances of a job opening is to gauge the stated responsibilities and context, as well as theexpectations you will be inheriting if you take on the role. 3. How do you identify your challenges and successes? Imagine the task of writing Jon Stewarts rsum. Hell presumably forgo a mundane bullet point like this Responsible for watching news streams and movies staring future guests and attending endless meetings with writers. In favor of something like this Transformed lackluster program into must-watch TV for key demographic audiences by conducting thoughtful interviews with key governmental leaders and politicians across all party lines, film and TV stars and leading authors. Mentored a new generation of top-tier talent, including Stephen Colbert, Steve Carell, John Oliver and many others. In the same way, your rsum will need to place your day-to-day tasks and responsibilities into the larger context of your accomplishments and the impact they have made in your workplace. 4. What is your reputation? No matter what you hear, a well-composed rsum remains the lynchpin for virtually any job hunt. As the saying goes Your reputation precedes you Any talent agency, producer or network knows quite a bit about Stewart before speaking with him about a potential new role or project. The same holds true for you. Employers routinely scour your LinkedIn profile, Facebook page and Google search results and speak with common connections to learn about you. All this often takes place before an employer even decides to interview you, and it almost always happens before an offer of employment is extended. Make sure you do a good job of curating and highlighting your professional accomplishments online and expunging anything that could be embarrassing or prompt a negative thought about your competence or character. Sometimes it is better not to get the job of your dreams. Its easy to imagine that Jon Stewart is now thankful he was passed over for opportunities he was pursuing earlier in his career. In her book, Angry Optimist The Life and Times of Jon Stewart, Lisa Rogak reminds us that he failed to get a spot at NBC when Letterman left Late Night. Stewart was also passed over in his attempt to replace Tom Snyder. Ironically, that position went to the then Daily Show host, Craig Kilborn, thereby creating the opening that Stewart has so successfully filled since 1999. Neither of those roles would have given him the space and freedom he had at Comedy Central to achieve his monumental success. As a job hunter, you will likely encounter any number of ads for perfect positions. Keep in mind that youll never know who youre up against or the real priorities of the hiring manager. It might just be that this perfect job is a bit mora perfect for someone else, and another job that offers tremendous potential fo r you is just around the corner. Happy huntingArnie Fertig, MPA, is passionate about helping his Jobhuntercoach clients advance their careers by transforming frantic Ill apply to anything searches into focused hunts for great fit opportunities. He brings to each client the extensive knowledge he gained when working in HR staffing and managing his boutique recruiting firm.
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